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                            FillChar procedure

  DECLARATION:  FillChar(var X; Count : Word; Ch : Value)

      PURPOSE:  Fills a specified number of contiguous bytes with a
                specified value.

         UNIT:  System

      REMARKS:  Where X is a variable reference of any type, Count
                is a word-type expression and Value is any ordinal type
                expression.  FillChar writes Count contiguous bytes of
                memory into Value, starting at the first byte occupied by X.

                NOTE:  No range checking is done - BE CAREFUL!

      EXAMPLE:  Var
                s: string[80];

                  { Fill a string with all spaces }
                   FillChar(s,SizeOf(s),' ');

See Also: Move SizeOf
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson